一般 Using blue carbon to prevent global warming Idea Plaza Summary 1202 Green credits are a system in which the country certifies the amount of CO2 and other emissions absorbed through proper ... 2025.01.01 一般
一般 People and companies grow through repeated trial and error. Idea Plaza Summary 1473 Parents and teachers support children who work hard. It has been found that the way this support is given can improve or... 2025.01.01 一般
一般 Resisting the negative effects of global warming on the mind and body Idea plaza Summary 1204 Statistical reports are emerging one after another that global warming may affect not only the body but also mental heal... 2025.01.01 一般
一般 People who value fun over efficiency and speed Idea Plaza Summary 1205 "Faster, lighter, safer" is a use value. It is said that working with an attitude of "faster" emphasizes use value. When... 2025.01.01 一般
一般 Looking for people who can keep coming up with ideas Idea Plaza Summary 1206 The world's intelligence seems to understand that in order to develop children's brains smoothly, it is better to famili... 2025.01.01 一般
一般 청소년 범죄를 약간 억제하는 아이디어 광장411 최근 몇 년 동안 학대로 인해 사망한 어린이에 대한 자세한 보고서가 발표되었습니다. 자세한 보고서를 통해 학대는 현재뿐만 아니라 미래에도 부정적인 영향을 미친다는 것이 분명해졌습니다. 이러한 부정적인 영향 중 하나는... 2025.01.01 一般
一般 A system to stop the declining birthrate and increase the number of children Idea Plaza Summary 1228 The number of births in Japan has fallen by more than 20% over the past five years, reaching a record low of 727,000 in ... 2025.01.01 一般