The number of elderly couples and lonely elderly people is increasing. Considering the fact that the number of elderly people living alone will also increase in the future, the role of hospice housing seems to be growing. Hospice housing is a residential type paid nursing home where nursing care and medical treatment can be received at any time. This facility is positioned as a “home” with the sense of security that comes with being in a hospital. Hospice housing is a place where you can spend the last days of your life freely, such as going out, eating and drinking, and spending time with your family. You can see residents enjoying games with their caregivers or doing origami in their rooms. Of course, in addition to nursing care, medical services are also available. For cancer pain, nurses can evaluate the pain and administer medical narcotics under the doctor’s instructions. In addition, you can receive services such as intravenous drip, endotracheal suction, phlegm care, and artificial respiration. In the terminal stage, if it is difficult for family support to be provided, using such facilities is also an option.
How much does this hospice housing cost? In one model, it includes rent and management fees for the room, food costs, medical and nursing care insurance contributions, bedding rental fees, laundry fees, etc. Generally, taking these costs into account, it comes to about $1,300 to $3,200 per month. Multiplying this amount by the number of months you have left to live may be the final settlement of your life. Finally, it comes down to the cost of care. If you go to a hospice facility that costs $3,200 per month, it will cost $38,400 per year and $76,800 for two years. The question is how to come up with this cost.
Elderly people do not need big houses. A 1LDK apartment is enough. If there is a clinic on the first floor of the apartment, you don’t have to worry about going to the hospital. Cooperation between the clinic and advanced medical institutions is also smoothly carried out. Areas with good medical care, developed commercial facilities, and young people are easy for elderly people to live in. Sales in such areas in Shikoku have more than tripled since development, and the number of shoppers has increased by more than 1.5 times. The assessed value of the property tax on buildings has increased from $25,000 to $230,000, greatly increasing tax revenue. It might be fun to imagine an elderly person finding an area with complete medical facilities, acquiring the rights to the land, and watching the property value rise while waiting for their final moments.