Robust daycare centers continue to evolve even in times of trouble. Idea Plaza Summary 1188

 The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has a system for evaluating and improving the quality of childcare led by the National Center for Childcare Quality Assurance. This system evaluates the quality of early childhood education and discloses information to parents. This system is to provide guidance, advice, technical support, and financial support based on the evaluation results. Looking at the trend in developed countries, emphasis is being placed on investment to improve the “quality” of education. In Japan, too, competition is fierce for daycare centers that excel at improving children’s growth and development. The hurdles have become higher for those who want to attend a highly competitive daycare center. It would be fun if we could further improve the content of daycare at a high-barrier daycare center. The ideas and ingenuity of daycare center staff brighten the future of children.

 Through various types of play, children can store many skillful movements in their brains and be able to recall them at the right time. If children can take action on their own initiative and increase the opportunities to repeat failures, it will be nourishment for their growth and development. It is also necessary for children’s growth that parents and nursery teachers watch over children who are trying desperately despite their inexperience. The satisfaction of desires as a result of overcoming difficulties is a valuable experience. The more basic skills a child has acquired through many experiences, the more they will be able to accept diversity. It is not a matter of sports or studying, but both sports and studying are necessary to live as a human being. This kind of thinking is required in early childhood education. Nursery teachers who can support children’s play well are very important.

 If nursery teachers have time, they can observe children and support them with ease. Increasing the time they spend with children will make the most of the potential of excellent nursery teachers. It is required that those around them create an environment that is easy for nursery teachers to work in. The work of a nursery teacher can be tough in some ways, but it also has fun aspects. Parents are required to be considerate so that nursery teachers can have more time to themselves. A good nursery school does not exist only with good nursery teachers. Parents are at the center of childcare, and there are nursery teachers to support them. A good chef will hone his skills by working hard with good customers. In the same way, parents and childcare workers need to hone their skills for children to grow. For children to grow, it is important that childcare centers and parents have a system that improves the skills of childcare workers.
