Advantages and disadvantages of alcohol       Idea Plaza Summary 1096 

 According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2022, there will be more than 3 million alcohol-related deaths worldwide each year. Alcohol-related deaths account for 5.3% of all deaths worldwide. Many of those who died were addicted to alcohol. The mortality rate of 5.3% is much higher than the 2.8% mortality rate of diabetes, which is a problem in developed countries. For comparison, 1 million people died from AIDS and 430,000 died from malaria. You can understand how big the impact of alcoholism is. Countries are also taking measures to address this issue.

 Something interesting is happening with this measure. Norway’s largest pension fund organization, which manages approximately 9 trillion yen in assets, has begun selling shares in alcohol and gambling companies. Organizations that manage pension funds increase their funds by combining various stocks and bonds. Pension recipients want their pensions to be more efficient and take home more. However, an increasing number of pensioners are not satisfied with only efficient management. There is a tendency to exclude so-called “guilty companies.” It is said that more than half of all violent incidents in Norway are alcohol-related. Alcohol-related social costs are estimated to reach 220 billion yen annually. This has become a negative social factor. Activities that allow investment to lead not only to profits but also to the development of a sustainable society are required. Conversely, support will be extended to projects that have a positive social impact.

 Why do people drink alcoholic beverages? The answer is that we seek comfort. Humans feel pleasure when the brain’s reward system is activated. The reward system is not located in one part of the brain, but is made up of a network of brains with various functions. This reward system usually has a nervous system that puts the brakes on it. Alcohol has the effect of weakening the brakes on the reward system controlled by the nervous system, causing dopamine to be secreted. The secretion of dopamine gives humans a sense of pleasure. In order to feel pleasure, you will have to increase the amount of alcohol you drink. I would like to understand this mechanism and train myself to exercise my rationality.
