Plant scents can influence mental and physical activity. When we smell a good scent, we feel refreshed. The smell of grapefruit makes many people feel fresh and active. When you smell this scent, the sympathetic nervous system is activated and the parasympathetic nervous system in the stomach is suppressed. The scent of grapefruit increases glycerol concentration and body temperature, which lowers appetite. On the other hand, smelling lavender makes most people feel calm and relaxed. The scent of lavender has the effect of suppressing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and activating the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system in the stomach. This scent increases your appetite. It seems that scent, if used wisely, can help improve intellectual production.
Good sleep is an important factor in increasing intellectual production. When thinking about sleep, serotonin is an important factor. As the amount of exercise increases, the secretion of serotonin is stimulated. At night, serotonin turns into melatonin, which helps you sleep. Exercise promotes the secretion of serotonin, which in turn leads to better sleep. Humans are designed to become more active at sunrise and become less active at sunset. The circulation of serotonin and melatonin produces good quality activity and sleep. Serotonin is a wake-up hormone that is secreted in the morning and improves brain function. At night, serotonin secretion decreases, and melatonin is produced from serotonin. Melatonin brings about good quality sleep.
People who can mass-produce ideas have a system for generating ideas on their own. For example, discoveries brought about by chance are called serendipity. In order to make this discovery happen more often, you should go to places where it is more likely to occur. One option is to go to resorts in Hokkaido and Okinawa. Another option is to go to a bookstore. Serendipity is more likely to occur when you go to a bookstore and browse the shelves of books in fields that are unrelated to your work. It’s a good idea to add a little bit of randomness to your life so that serendipity can happen. Also, interacting with people who have this kind of wisdom is effective in mass-producing ideas. Friends come together in an atmosphere that encourages ideas, and intellectual discussions lead to the creation of ideas. With this in mind, it is important to get a good night’s sleep.