Looking for people who can keep coming up with ideas   Idea Plaza Summary 1206 

 The world’s intelligence seems to understand that in order to develop children’s brains smoothly, it is better to familiarize them with books from an early age. The world’s intelligence knows the importance of reading (input). If you read a book while thinking about “why?” and “how?”, thinking ability will be improved. If you are conscious of writing (output), you will be able to read better. When you take up a problem and write about it, there are more cases that new solutions are found. This is also generating ideas.

 Generating ideas is the core of intellectual work. Generating new ideas has become an important task in all fields. Ideas are not just ideas, but ideas that aim to solve problems are valued. Both the “ability to generate ideas” and the “ability to continue generating ideas” are important. Creating a system that makes it easy to do these two things is valued in a society that places importance on problem solving. There is a series of processes involved in creating ideas. Idea people have memorized knowledge, stories from reading, and past experiences stored in their temporal lobes. He is also excellent at collecting as much information about a problem as possible in order to solve a new problem. Next, he thoroughly thinks about it, combining the knowledge he has accumulated with the data he has collected. The next step is difficult, but it involves forgetting what you have thought and leaving the combination of data to your subconscious. This process is called “sleeping” or “maturing.”

 Next, you will look at specific measures to retrieve the ideas that have been left lying around. New ideas are created by combining various thoughts in your head with information about the problem. These ideas only come about by continuing to think. If you observe people who continue to come up with ideas, you will find that there are many different types. For example, it has been found that many people who make a habit of going for walks continue to come up with ideas. This phenomenon only occurs if you input information into your head to solve the problem before going for a walk. When you are taking a walk, taking a bath, or talking with friends, the things that you have been “sleeping” suddenly appear in the form of ideas. If you do not catch this moment, the idea will escape you. Capturing an idea that suddenly comes to you is also an important skill. And this moment of catching may be the most fun.
