Wisdom for humanity to prepare for food crises  Idea Plaza Summary 1244 

 The world population exceeded 4 billion in 1975. Since then, it has increased by 1 billion people approximately every 12 years. To support this growing population, wheat production has outpaced the population growth rate, increasing more than 3.6 times in 60 years. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), daily consumption per person has increased by about 1.4 times to 2,985 kcal. Over the past 60 years, people’s tables have become much richer. However, problems have also arisen. When grain prices rise significantly, more people lose access to food. According to a UN report, the number of hungry people in the world in 2023 will reach 733 million. The number of hungry people has increased by 152 million since 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic.

 Some countries and regions have established a modest production increase system. In Mwea, Kenya, 40,000 tons of rice can be produced annually on 7,860 hectares of farmland. The Japanese government has established a rice cultivation support center in this area with financial and grant aid. In the village of Mwea, people used to eat boiled corn and cassava flour. Now they can eat delicious and nutritious rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Kenya, which is home to volcanoes, is blessed with fertile soil mixed with volcanic ash. If irrigation facilities are well developed, it has the potential to develop into a grain-producing region. There also seem to be some ideas to turn rising temperatures into an increase in suitable areas for agriculture. In November, the second rice harvest of the year was completed in the rice fields of Kashiyama Farm in Anan City, Tokushima Prefecture. The rice harvested in this Kashiyama Farm rice field is rice that can be grown twice a year, which is rare in Japan. In hot and humid Southeast Asia, twice a year is common. The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) used this knowledge to develop a double-cropping rice system for Japan.

 While the world stock index fell 5%, the agriculture stock index rose 6% against the trend. Investment money seems to be flowing into companies related to food production and processing around the world. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Food Price Index recorded its highest level for two consecutive months until March 2022. Rising agricultural product prices are an opportunity for farmers around the world. In order to increase agricultural production, more fertilizer and pesticides will be used. As a result, there has been a noticeable rise in stocks directly related to agricultural production, such as fertilizer, seeds, and agricultural machinery. If there is a shortage of agricultural products, more companies and people will work to increase production. I hope that such vigorous human activity and wisdom will be utilized in the future of agriculture.
